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Environment customization

After logging in to the ACES system you may need to customize your environment settings to control what software your account makes use of. For example you may wish to select a particular compiler, MPI and interconnect option for building applications or you may wish to select a specific revision of Matlab. This is typically done by modifying the start-up scripts for your account and/or editing your queue system scripts.


The module command has been installed on ACES to assist with this customization. It provides a shorthand way to configure your account to use specific software. Some examples are given below.

Using modules

  1. To set your shell to use the default Intel compilers with the ethernet communication based MPICH implementation of MPI use the command.
              $ module load mpich/intel
    This will change your account settings so that the mpi commands such as mpif77, mpif90, mpicc, mpiCC, mpirun resolve to use the Intel compilers and the ethernet build of MPICH.

  2. To set your shell to use the default Intel compilers with the GM communication based MPICH (for use with Myrinet switches) implementation of MPI use the command.
              $ module load mpich-gg/intel
    This will change your account settings so that the mpi commands such as mpif77, mpif90, mpicc, mpiCC, mpirun resolve to use the Intel compilers and the GM build of MPICH.

  3. To list available module definitions
              $ module avail
    This will produce a list of all the available modules that are setup on the system e.g.
    -------------- /usr/local/pkg/modules/modules-3.1.6/modulefiles ---------------------------
    adaptor/10.2/intel             man                            mpich-vmi/intel
    atlas/3.7.8/gcc/3.3.3(default) matlab/6r13                    mplite/2.7/gnu
    cscope                         matlab/7r14(default)           mplite/2.7/intel
    dot                            maui/3.2.6p9(default)          mplite/2.7/pgi
    g95/18Oct2004                  module-cvs                     nco/2.9.9(default)
    gm/2.0.14(default)             module-info                    ncview/1.92e(default)
    gnu/3.3.3(default)             modules                        null
    icc/8.1.021(default)           mpich/gnu(default)             pgi/5.2(default)
    ifc/8.1.018(default)           mpich/intel                    python-ext
    intel/8.1(default)             mpich/pgi                      rsh
    lam/7.1.1/gnu                  mpich-gm/gnu(default)          torque/1.0.1p6(default)
    lam/7.1.1/intel                mpich-gm/intel                 torque-additions/1.0(default)
    lam/7.1.1/pgi                  mpich-gm/pgi                   use.own
    lam/gnu(default)               mpich-vmi/1.2.5/gnu            vmi/2.0
    lam/intel                      mpich-vmi/1.2.5/intel
    lam/pgi                        mpich-vmi/gnu(default)

  4. To list the settings the pgi module provides
              $ module   --long display pgi
    This command shows what actions the pgi module invokes
              setenv       PGI /usr/local/pkg/pgi/pgi-5.2
              prepend-path PATH /usr/local/pkg/pgi/pgi-5.2/linux86/5.2/bin
              prepend-path MANPATH /usr/local/pkg/pgi/pgi-5.2/linux86/5.2/man
              setenv       CC pgcc
              setenv       CFLAGS "-L/usr/local/pkg/pgi/pgi-5.2/lib \
              setenv       CXX pgCC
              setenv       CXXFLAGS "-L/usr/local/pkg/pgi/pgi-5.2/lib \
              setenv       FC pgf77
              setenv       FFLAGS "-L/usr/local/pkg/pgi/pgi-5.2/lib \
              setenv       F90 pgf90
              setenv       F90LAGS "-L/usr/local/pkg/pgi/pgi-5.2/lib \

Useful modules

The following table lists some widely used modules that are defined in ACES.

Module name Software provided by module
mpich Default version of MPICH (mpirun, mpicc, mpif77, mpif90 etc..) with
  • ethernet communications
  • default versions of GNU compilers (g++, gcc, g77 etc...).
mpich/intel Default version of MPICH (mpirun, mpicc, mpif77, mpif90 etc..) with
  • ethernet communications
  • default versions of Intel compilers (ifort, icc etc...).
mpich/pgi Default version of MPICH (mpirun, mpicc, mpif77, mpif90 etc..) with
  • ethernet communications
  • default versions of PGI compilers (pgf90, pgf77, pgcc etc...).
mpich-gm Default version of MPICH-GM (mpirun, mpicc, mpif77, mpif90 etc...) with
  • Myrinet communications
  • and default versions of GNU compilers (gcc, g++, g77 etc...).
mpich-gm/intel Default version of MPICH-GM (mpirun, mpicc, mpif77, mpif90 etc...) with
  • Myrinet communications
  • and default versions of Intel compilers (ifort, icc etc...).
mpich-gm/pgi Default version of MPICH-GM (mpirun, mpicc, mpif77, mpif90 etc...) with
  • Myrinet communications
  • and default versions of PGI compilers (pgf77, pgf90, pgcc etc...).
gnu Default versions of GNU compilers with:
  • gcc, g++, g77, etc...
  • NetCDF v3.6.0beta
intel Default versions of Intel compilers with:
  • ifort, icc, etc...
  • NetCDF v3.6.0beta
pgi Default versions of PGI compilers with:
  • pgf77, pf90, pgcc, etc...
  • NetCDF v3.6.0beta
matlab Default versions of Matlab (currently Version 7 R14).
matlab/6r13 Version 6 Release 13 of Matlab.
nco netCDF operators